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This function is specifically designed for handling async functions (functions that return a Promise). For handling synchronous functions, use the attempt function instead.

Attempts to execute an async function and returns a tuple containing either the result or an error.


function attemptAsync<T, E>(func: () => Promise<T>): Promise<[null, T] | [E, null]>;


  • func (() => Promise<T>): The async function to attempt to execute.


(Promise<[null, T] | [E, null]>): A Promise that resolves to a tuple where:

  • On success: [null, T] - First element is null, second is the result.
  • On error: [E, null] - First element is the caught error, second is null.


import { attemptAsync } from 'es-toolkit/function';

// If the function returns a value without errors, it returns [null, function return value] tuple.
const [error, data] = await attemptAsync(async () => {
  const response = await fetch('');
  return response.json();
// [null, response object]

// If an error occurs, it returns [error thrown by the function, null] tuple.
const [error, data] = await attemptAsync(async () => {
  throw new Error('Network error');
// [Error, null]

// Using generic types lets you specify the type of the error and return value.
const [error, users] = await attemptAsync<User[], Error>(async () => {
  const response = await fetch('');
  return response.json();
// `error` is inferred as `Error` type, `users` is inferred as `User[]` type.

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