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This function is only available in es-toolkit/compat for compatibility reasons. It either has alternative native JavaScript APIs or isn’t fully optimized yet.

When imported from es-toolkit/compat, it behaves exactly like lodash and provides the same functionalities, as detailed here.

Transforms each element of an array and returns a new array.

The way each element is transformed can be specified according to the behavior of the iteratee function.

  • Transformation function: Executes a given function on each element and transforms it to the result.
  • Property name: Selects the specified property name from each element.
  • Property-value pair: Transforms each element to a boolean indicating whether the element's property matches the given value.
  • Partial object: Transforms each element to a boolean indicating whether the element matches the properties and values of the partial object.


function map<T, U>(arr: T[], iteratee: (value: T, index: number, arr: T[]) => U): U[];
function map<T>(arr: T[], iteratee: Partial<T>): boolean[];
function map<T>(arr: T[], iteratee: [keyof T, unknown]): boolean[];
function map<T, K extends keyof T>(arr: T[], iteratee: K): Array<T[K]>;
function map<T>(arr: T[], iteratee?: null | undefined): T[];

function map<T extends object, U>(object: T, iteratee: (value: T[keyof T], key: string, object: T) => U): U[];
function map<T>(object: T, iteratee: Partial<T[keyof T]>): boolean[];
function map<T>(object: T, iteratee: [keyof T[keyof T], unknown]): boolean[];
function map<T, K extends keyof T[keyof T]>(object: T, iteratee: K): Array<T[keyof T][K]>;
function map<T extends object, U>(object: T, iteratee?: null | undefined): U[];


  • arr (T[]) or object (T): The array or object to transform.

arr can be ArrayLike<T>, null, or undefined

To ensure full compatibility with lodash, the map function handles arr as follows:

  • If arr is ArrayLike<T>, it is converted to an array using Array.from(...).
  • If arr is null or undefined, it is treated as an empty array.

object can be null or undefined

To ensure full compatibility with lodash, the map function handles object as follows:

  • If object is null or undefined, it is converted to an empty object.
  • iteratee:

    • For arrays:

      • Transformation function ((value: T, index: number, arr: T[]) => U): A function to transform each element of the array.
      • Property name (keyof T): The property name to select from each element.
      • Property-value pair ([keyof T, unknown]): A tuple where the first element is the property to match, and the second is the value to match.
      • Partial object (Partial<T>): A partial object specifying properties and values to match.
    • For objects:

      • Transformation function ((item: T[keyof T], index: number, object: T) => unknown): A function to transform each value of the object.
      • Property name (keyof T[keyof T]): The property name to select from each value of the object.
      • Property-value pair ([keyof T[keyof T], unknown]): A tuple where the first element is the property to match, and the second is the value to match.
      • Partial object (Partial<T[keyof T]>): A partial object specifying properties and values to match.


(any[]): A new array of transformed values.


// Using a transformation function
const array = [1, 2, 3];
map(array, value => value * 2); // => [2, 4, 6]

// Using a property key as the iteratee
const objects = [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }];
map(objects, 'a'); // => [1, 2, 3]

// Using an object as the iteratee
const objects = [{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }];
map(objects, { a: 1 }); // => [true, false, false]

// No iteratee
const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
map(numbers); // => [1, 2, 3]

// Using an object as the collection
const obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
map(obj, (value, key) => `${key}: ${value}`); // => ['a: 1', 'b: 2', 'c: 3']

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