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Creates a throttled function that only invokes the provided function at most once per every throttleMs milliseconds. Subsequent calls to the throttled function within the wait time will not trigger the execution of the original function.


function throttle<F extends (...args: any[]) => void>(
  func: F,
  throttleMs: number,
  options?: ThrottleOptions
): ((...args: Parameters<F>) => void) & {
  cancel: () => void;
  flush: () => void;


  • func (F): The function to throttle.
  • throttleMs(number): The number of milliseconds to throttle executions to.
  • options (ThrottleOptions, optional): An options object.
    • signal (AbortSignal, optional): An optional AbortSignal to cancel the throttled function.
    • edges (Array<'leading' | 'trailing'>, optional): An array specifying when the function should be called. Defaults to ['leading', 'trailing'].
      • 'leading': If included, the function will be called immediately on the first call.
      • 'trailing': If included, the function will be called after throttleMs milliseconds have passed since the last call.
      • If both 'leading' and 'trailing' are included, the function will be called at both the start and end of the delay period. However, it must be called at least twice within throttleMs milliseconds for this to happen, as one throttled function call cannot trigger the function twice.


(((...args: Parameters<F>) => void) & { cancel: () => void; flush: () => void; }): A new throttled function with methods to manage execution.

  • cancel (() => void): Cancels any pending execution of the throttled function.
  • flush (() => void): Immediately invokes the throttled function, executing any pending calls.


Basic usage

const throttledFunction = throttle(() => {
  console.log('Function executed');
}, 1000);

// Will log 'Function executed' immediately
throttledFunction(); // First call triggers execution immediately

// Will log 'Function executed' after 1 second
throttledFunction(); // Second call is within the throttle period but triggers after 1 second due to trailing edge behavior

// After 2 seconds
setTimeout(() => {
  throttledFunction(); // Will log 'Function executed' again
}, 2000); // This will log because the throttle period has passed

Usage with window events

// Example function to throttle
const logResize = () => {
  console.log('Window resized at', new Date().toISOString());

// Create a throttled version of the logResize function
const throttledResizeHandler = throttle(logResize, 1000);

// Attach the throttled function to the window resize event
window.addEventListener('resize', throttledResizeHandler);

// Optional: Clean up the event listener when no longer needed
const cleanup = () => {
  window.removeEventListener('resize', throttledResizeHandler);

// Example: Clean up after 10 seconds
setTimeout(cleanup, 10000);

Compatibility with Lodash

Import throttle from es-toolkit/compat for full compatibility with lodash.

  • The throttle function accepts leading and trailing options:

    • leading: If true, the function runs immediately on the first call. (defaults to true)
    • trailing: If true, the function runs after throttleMs milliseconds have passed since the last call. (defaults to true)
  • By default, the throttleMs option is set to 0, meaning the function execution is only delayed until the next tick.

leading and trailing options in throttle

By default, both leading and trailing are set to true, so specifying { leading: true } or { trailing: true } won't change anything.

// Example with the leading option
const leadingFn = throttle(
  () => {
    console.log('Leading function executed');
  { leading: true }

// Logs 'Leading function executed' immediately.
// Even if called repeatedly, it logs 'Leading function executed' every 1 second.

// Example with the trailing option
const trailingFn = throttle(
  () => {
    console.log('Trailing function executed');
  { trailing: true }

// Logs 'Trailing function executed' immediately.
// Even if called repeatedly, it logs 'Trailing function executed' every 1 second.

// Example with the leading: false, trailing: true option
const trailingOnlyFn = throttle(
  () => {
    console.log('Trailing-only function executed');
  { leading: false, trailing: true }

// 'Trailing-only function executed' does not log initially.
// Even if called repeatedly, it logs 'Trailing-only function executed' every 1 second.

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