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Checks if a given value is a valid length.

A valid length is of type number, is a non-negative integer, and is less than or equal to JavaScript's maximum safe integer (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER). It returns true if the value is a valid length, and false otherwise.

This function can also serve as a type predicate in TypeScript, narrowing the type of the argument to a valid length (number).


function isLength(value: unknown): value is number;


  • value (unknown): The value to check if it is a valid length.


(value is number): Returns true if the value is a valid length, otherwise false.


import { isLength } from 'es-toolkit/predicate';

const value1 = 0;
const value2 = 42;
const value3 = -1;
const value4 = 1.5;
const value5 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
const value6 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1;

console.log(isLength(value1)); // true
console.log(isLength(value2)); // true
console.log(isLength(value3)); // false
console.log(isLength(value4)); // false
console.log(isLength(value5)); // true
console.log(isLength(value6)); // false

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