This function is only available in es-toolkit/compat
for compatibility reasons. It either has alternative native JavaScript APIs or isn’t fully optimized yet.
When imported from es-toolkit/compat
, it behaves exactly like lodash and provides the same functionalities, as detailed here.
Removes all specified values from an array after mapping their elements through a provided function.
You can specify the mapper function in several ways:
- Iteratee function: If you provide a function, it will be used to map each element before comparison. The function will be called with each element and should return a value to use for comparison.
- Property name: If you provide a property name (string, symbol, or number), elements will be compared based on the value of that property.
- Partial object: If you provide a partial object, elements will be compared based on whether they match all the properties and values in that object.
- Property-value pair: If you provide a tuple of [property, value], elements will be compared based on whether the specified property matches the given value.
This function changes arr
in place. If you want to remove values without modifying the original array, use differenceBy.
function pullAllBy<T>(arr: T[], valuesToRemove: ArrayLike<T>, getValue: (value: T) => unknown): T[];
function pullAllBy<T>(arr: T[], valuesToRemove: ArrayLike<T>, getValue: Partial<T>): T[];
function pullAllBy<T>(arr: T[], valuesToRemove: ArrayLike<T>, getValue: [keyof T, unknown]): T[];
function pullAllBy<T>(arr: T[], valuesToRemove: ArrayLike<T>, getValue: keyof T): T[];
): The array to modify.valuesToRemove
): The values to remove from the array.getValue
:- Iteratee function (
(value: T) => unknown
): If you provide a function, it will be used to map each element before comparison. The function will be called with each element and should return a value to use for comparison. - Property name (
keyof T
): If you provide a property name (string, symbol, or number), elements will be compared based on the value of that property. - Partial object (
): If you provide a partial object, elements will be compared based on whether they match all the properties and values in that object. - Property-value pair (
[keyof T, unknown]
): If you provide a tuple of [property, value], elements will be compared based on whether the specified property matches the given value.
- Iteratee function (
): The modified array with the specified values removed.
// Using a iteratee function
const items = [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }, { value: 1 }];
const result = pullAllBy(items, [{ value: 1 }, { value: 3 }], obj => obj.value);
console.log(result); // [{ value: 2 }]
// Using a property name
const items = [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }, { value: 1 }];
const result = pullAllBy(items, [{ value: 1 }, { value: 3 }], 'value');
console.log(result); // [{ value: 2 }]