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Creates a debounced function that delays invoking the provided function until after debounceMs milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked. The debounced function also has a cancel method to cancel any pending execution.


function debounce<F extends (...args: any[]) => void>(
  func: F,
  debounceMs: number,
  options?: DebounceOptions
): ((...args: Parameters<F>) => void) & {
  cancel: () => void;
  flush: () => void;
  schedule: () => void;


  • func (F): The function to debounce.
  • debounceMs (number): The number of milliseconds to delay.
  • options (DebounceOptions, optional): An options object.
    • signal (AbortSignal, optional): An optional AbortSignal to cancel the debounced function.
    • edges (Array<'leading' | 'trailing'>, optional): An array specifying when the function should be called. Defaults to ['trailing'].
      • 'leading': If included, the function will be called immediately on the first call.
      • 'trailing': If included, the function will be called after debounceMs milliseconds have passed since the last call.
      • If both 'leading' and 'trailing' are included, the function will be called at both the start and end of the delay period. However, it must be called at least twice within debounceMs milliseconds for this to happen, as one debounced function call cannot trigger the function twice.


(((...args: Parameters<F>) => void) & { cancel: () => void; flush: () => void; schedule: () => void; }): A new debounced function with methods to manage execution.

  • cancel (() => void): Cancels any pending execution of the debounced function.
  • flush (() => void): Immediately invokes the debounced function, executing any pending calls.
  • schedule (() => void): Schedules the execution of the debounced function after the specified debounce delay.


Basic Usage

const debouncedFunction = debounce(() => {
  console.log('Function executed');
}, 1000);

// Will log 'Function executed' after 1 second if not called again in that time

// Will not log anything as the previous call is canceled

Using with an AbortSignal

const controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
const debouncedWithSignalFunction = debounce(
  () => {
    console.log('Function executed');
  { signal }

// Will log 'Function executed' after 1 second if not called again in that time

// Will cancel the debounced function call

Compatibility with Lodash

Import debounce from es-toolkit/compat for full compatibility with lodash.

  • The debounce function accepts leading and trailing options:

    • leading: If true, the function runs immediately on the first call. (defaults to false)
    • trailing: If true, the function runs after debounceMs milliseconds have passed since the last call. (defaults to true)
  • The debounce function also accepts a maxWait option:

    • This is the maximum time the function is allowed to be delayed before it is called.
  • By default, the debounceMs option is set to 0, meaning the function execution is only delayed until the next tick.

The meaning of { leading: true }

Since trailing is true by default, setting debounce to { leading: true } will make both leading and trailing true.

// Example with leading option
const leadingFn = debounce(
  () => {
    console.log('Leading function executed');
  { leading: true }

// Will log 'Leading function executed' immediately

// Example with trailing option
const trailingFn = debounce(
  () => {
    console.log('Trailing function executed');
  { trailing: true }

// Will log 'Trailing function executed' after 1 second if not called again in that time

// Example with maxWait option
const maxWaitFn = debounce(
  () => {
    console.log('MaxWait function executed');
  { maxWait: 2000 }

// Will log 'MaxWait function executed' after 2 seconds if called repeatedly within 1 second intervals
setTimeout(maxWaitFn, 500);
setTimeout(maxWaitFn, 1000);
setTimeout(maxWaitFn, 1500);
setTimeout(maxWaitFn, 2000);
setTimeout(maxWaitFn, 2500);
setTimeout(maxWaitFn, 3000);

Released under the MIT License.